Monday, April 28, 2014

Having The Proper Mindset

It's important to have a proper mindset when your in business and throughout your personal  life.  

Proverbs 23:7 Says  "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".

Well if you go through life negative with a defeatist attitude. Your life will reflect negative things. The same is true about having a positive mindset. If you think positive and act accordingly . That will also  reflect and show up in  your life. 


Now I'm not saying that  if you live a  positive life, things won't happen to you. We all know that if you live long enough, things will come into your life or come upon you, and tell you differently. However how you handle it will make the difference of how long your setback will last.

Now I always considered myself as a positive person. However since I've been in Feeder Matrix. It seem that my mindset has gone to another level. And I truly have to give credit where credit is due. To the support group that my team,and myself  are a part of. Feeder Matrix We Help You Recruit group. Not only do they teach the proper way of marketing , but they also teach and give you the tools on developing your mindset. Which carries not only into your business life, but into your personal life as well. 

Beside spending time with the Lord and reading my Bible in the mornings.Because of the Feeder Matrix Support Group.  I have develop myself to consistently feed my mind as I do my body. To listen to, and read something positive everyday. And one of the people that I listen to on a consistent bases is  Les Brown. One of the many  things that I have learned  from him is "Life is a fight for territory, and once you stop fighting for what you want. What you don't want will automatically takes over".  

That statement right there has touch me to the bottom of my core. I don't know about you, But life is short, and their are some things that I haven't accomplished in my life as of yet. And I refused to leave this temporary place we call home.Until I am empty.

" I want to live Full and die Empty". 

Be careful with your dreams, and who you share it with. Because everyone is not going to be happy for you. And that includes your friends and your family. Growing up I couldn't really understand that. Maybe being naive. But as I got older. I understood that the reason why people are that way. Is not because of you, It's because they can't see it for themselves. So they have to tear you down to be happy. Some people find great joy in seeing you fail. However the best revenge in life is Success! 

"If your causal about your dream you will whined up being a causality". 

Surround yourself with people who are successful in whatever your trying to achieve. Success leaves a trail!  And I can't STRESS this enough. Know matter what life throws at you. You will win if you don't quit.

And lastly I will leave you with this. If know one has every told you this before. I'm telling you now. You have Greatness in YOU!  You just have to choose to active it everyday. 

Thanks for taken the time to read my blog.  

To our success!

Patricia Stevenson 
Virtual  Business Owner/Team Leader for Feeder Matrix
(704) 629-8054

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