Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How To Cope With Your Home Business And Your Daily Tasks

One of the attractions of working at home is the vision of freedom it invokes.No time clock, no time sheets, and no one to account to for how you spend your time. Yes, it is an attractive proposition, but like so many attractive propositions there is a heavy downside. TIME WASTING.

 Yes I said it! I will admit I'm occasionally guilty of it as well.  I can easily get distracted if I allow it. And I'm not talking about emergencies. I'm talk more about pesky little things like. For example. Television, Social Media, Video Games and ect. 

Like so many other stay at home moms. I feel like there's never enough time in the day. Between  my 5 year daughter, my husband, household  chores, and my virtual  business. Oh and how can I forget. Trying to fit some time in, just for myself. It's just never enough time. 

So how does one stay on-task? The best way I've found is to have a To Do List. Which is best to plan it out the night before. So you know exactly what you need to accomplish the next day. 

Having my day  planned out has helped me tremendously.Which has improved my productivity. Now of  course I'm not saying that having a To Do List. Will stop emergencies from happening. Because that life! Also it's not  going to stop a million things, that will try to vie for your attention and time. It will even feel like the world is plotting against you. Like for instance.At this very moment as I'm writing this. My 5 years old . Keeps popping in and out the office asking for Popcorn lol.

Having a To Do List keeps you focus and motivated on the things that needs to be done for the day. I don't know if anyone else have notice this. But if you don't plan your day.Your day will  plan YOU. 

It's too easy to waste time doing non productive tasks. And if  not focus. It's easy to get sidetracked or distracted from your current task. When you don't schedule your time. Unscheduled work time can often overlap into your free time.Until you don't have any free time at all. Plus vice verse where your free time can overlap into your work time. Until you fall behind with your daily task. Concentrating your time and effort on your daily task means more gets done.

 So whether you write your To Do List on paper, use Google Calendar, or One Note. It doesn't matter. As Nike says "Just Do It'. 

Just like having a schedule working outside the home. You would need a schedule working at home. And if you don't think you need one. Then think again lol.

 The best way to chart yourself to successful. Is to take care of  business and stay on task. 

As always.Thanks for stopping by! It's always a pleasure having you here. Until next time...

Click here if your looking for a business and a team that will help you succeed.

Patrica Stevenson
Virtual Business Owner/Team Leader
(704) 629-8054


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Offline Marketing

Hello everyone!

                          The last time we spoke. I talked about some Free And Low Cost Ways To Generate Traffic Online . So it's only natural I share with you about offline marketing today. 

 Now when it comes to marketing.Some online business owners tend to limit themselves to online marketing methods. However  there is a huge potential to promote your home based business through some cost effective offline marketing strategies.

Now once again I like to point out. I'm NO expert, however what I do know. I'm more then happy to share. So, what  are the most effective offline marketing strategies for your home based business? Here are just a few. 

Word of mouth:Word of mouth is one of the best and a  free way  to advertise.We all have people we interact with on a daily basis, and these are potential customers/business partners. 

Make a list of all the people you know or interact with, and how can you best tell them about your online business. Be passionate about your business, and always be prepared to tell someone about it. When an opportunity to do so presents itself. Now I know is easier said then done. I have been guilty of it myself in the past. Keeping my business to myself. However after doing over and over. It does gets easier. 

Fliers: Fliers can be effective.You could create one to distribute to your local businesses in your area, and one for neighborhoods. Highlighting the benefits of an online business.

Most businesses have company bulletin boards.That are use to put up the company’s latest news and/or local news in the area. Fliers can be tacked on such bulletin boards. But before doing so, check to make sure it's okay with the stores HR or customer service department before placing the information.

Other places to place fliers.Which I have personally done. Is car windshields, newspaper holders.(That are underneath the mailbox in neighborhoods), free magazine and free local newspaper stands. I place them in the magazine/newspapers itself or if time is limited. I would place one on top of the magazine/newspaper.

Business Cards: Just like fliers you can disturbed them  in your local area. There great to place on bulletin boards as well. Give out to friends, neighbors,church members or anyone you meet.

What I personally do. When I go to the grocery store, I will leave one in the buggy. I also hit the magazine stand section. And place them in the home business magazines. I also do that when I go to the book store as well. 

Another great place that I place my business cards. Are in the envelopes of bills going out to be mailed. Every time myself  and my husband pays a bill. I will place my business card in the envelop along with the check.( Now of course if your paying your bills online this option will not work for you.)  smile :) 

Newspapers and magazines: Local newspapers are good for advertising your online business. Most local papers have an home business opportunities section, where you can  run an classified ad. 

In addition, even thought I have not personally tried this myself. However I  have  heard of people using this method. Contact your local newspaper or business-oriented magazine. And let the business editor know you have a new business, your web site, and what you have to offer.

 Local newspapers are frequently interested in featuring local business people and their accomplishments. This is FREE advertising. You can also contact your local magazine and offer to write a monthly or weekly guest column for them, and include your ‘author bio’ and home based business website.

Networking Parties : Networking Parties or Meetup. Are a great opportunity to network with other like minded people. To share your opportunity with local people in your community and beyond. 

If you go to,you can find one in your local area.  Now some meetups are free and there are some that are not. The prices differ. It depend on the organizer of that particular meetup. For what they decide to charge for the monthly dues. 

 So they you have it! These are just a few ways. To market offline. There are many more ways you can.

 The offline marketing strategies outlined above can help you grow your home based business. I have used most of these strategies a lot and they do work. Just like online it will take some effort and consistently for it to pay off. So while the weather is great. This is the best time to get out there and promote your business offline!

As always it been great speaking with you. Have a great 4th of July weekend and be safe.

To Our Success!

 Patrica Stevenson
Virtual Business Owner/Team Leader 
(704) 629-8054