Friday, June 20, 2014

Dedication and Determination.Do You Have It?

Do you have what it takes and the willingness to achieve your goals? In your personal and business life?  What about staying power? Have you made up in your mind that no matter what or how long it takes. I'm going to make it? What about fears? Are you allowing fears to rule your life? 

 I personally can say I've been guilty of fears in the past, and I'm sure even at times still now. Depending on the situation.  However I have learned and still learning how to work through certain fears. Now don't get me wrong I don't know everything. Nor do I protest that I do. However I do believe in some cases a small amount of fear is healthy. For example my fear of heights and snakes.(But that a whole different subject for another day lol. So I digress).  

Some people have fears when it comes to doing an home business. Because  they might  have doubts whether they can  sell the product they invested in or services. 

Most often, fears come in several forms in business. Either we worry about not being liked, or being perceived as pushy, we worry that our product or service might not perform as we say, or we struggle with the idea of rejection. Knowing the source of your fear (sometimes it can be a combination) is an important part of overcoming your fears.

It's important to take action to address your fears in business. So that you can overcome them.Where you can keep your focus on your WHY's. Which is the purpose of starting your  own business in the first place.

Start small! Very often, people tend to tackle projects much larger than they can comfortably handle. For example.  When you want to overcome your fear of selling you should start small. Maybe you can share your new business with a few trusted friends first, and then gradually find ways to expand your sharing to include a larger circle.

 The most successful business people are those who interact with others in an authentic, passionate way.So find a way that feels comfortable with you and stay with it. I've come to learn throughout the years.Being in business. It doesn't matter  to  people how much you know. It matter more how much you show them.How much you care about them and there success.

Another technique to overcoming the fear of selling. Is to tap into your passion and enthusiasm for what you are offering. You have to have passion for whatever  your doing. Believe me people can tell if you don't. Have your list of your WHY's nearby.Where you can see it everyday.That way it  keeps your passion alive, and your reasons for  having your own business. 

Keep track of your successes by keeping a "wins" or success journal nearby and record your achievements in it each day. Doesn't matter how big or small. This also will help you keep focus and motivated. 

Have fun with your business.Rather than approaching this from a heavy "have to" or "doesn't feel good" perspective. (This helps also to keeps the fears away)!

And lastly. I can not stress this enough. It important to stay focused on your desired outcome. Keep your WHY's in front of you.  Most people take action and reach their goals because they stay focused. When staying focused. Especially  on your challenging days. A slow week, or month. Keeping focus on your WHY's. Where it in your face and in your subconscious  mind.  Can help take you to the next level. 

Thanks for stopping by! Until next time.

Click here to take a look at my home business 

Patricia Stevenson 
Virtual Business Owner/Team Leader 
(704) 629-8054



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